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What comes to mind about the University of Chicago is that it is quite big. Perhaps, because of its large size, yet maybe due to hot weather, they provided tours around the campus in a mini-van. It was very hot, and grass of yellowish. The campus, as well as the city, did not appear very clean, and my wife said that it is the last place she would like me to study. Unfortunately, for some reason, I do not have any pics of the campus. The only picture that I have is a sight from the beach.

A sight on Chicago's downtown zoomed in from a beach 10 minute drive from the campus of the University of Chicago

My wife got sad from Chicago's image and was not happy with that beach. As a result, she did not go swimming in lake Michigan, whereas I enjoyed it. Chicago GSB has a spacious, glass building, which was raised recently and thus has modern equipment. What left with me about the school is that they allegedly choose their students carefully to make sure that they are outstandingly intelligent and the education is based on four perspectives - psychology, sociology, economics, and statistics. When I were preparing for my visit to Chicago, I sent letters to three clubs at school. There was something wrong with communication, because only one club replied and they were too late. Let's give it the benefit of the doubt, and think that the school was not in session and on top of that it was too hot.

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