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Америка, Америка...

Рассказ Алексея Минеева о его путешествии по кампусам американских бизнес-школ

Having come back to Moscow from the US, where I took a two-month language course and then took a trip around the schools I am going to apply this year, I came up with an idea to make up an account of my experiences in the US. Therefore, I will provide you with my impressions about Wharton, Babson, Columbia, Michigan, Chicago, Kellogg, and their places. This writing is by no means a comprehensive analysis. You know, all schools say pretty much the same about them selves. Rather, it is the way I feel these places after my visits. No doubt, there is a lot of subjective perception here. Moreover, a first impression is sometimes wrong. So, take it easy and enjoy!







I am happy to have gone through all those experiences and seen kind of real the US. If you have any questions, comments, or say, ideas to share with me, please, do not hesitate to contact me at alexey_v_mineev@yahoo.com

Yours truly,

Alexey Mineev

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